Q. Can I provide proof of immunisation using my child’s health record book?
A. No your child’s health record book is no longer an appropriate form of evidence. From 1st January 2016 all families must provide an Immunisation History Certificate or Immunisation History Record available free from Medicare. This is a requirement under new State and Federal Government ‘No Jab, No Pay’ Legislation. From 2nd July 2018 families will be required to provide their child’s immunisation evidence to Centrelink through their MyGov app as part of the new Child Care Subsidy.
Q. Do I need to send food or nappies with my child?
A. No, all meals and nappies are provided.
Q. Are there any half days or casual bookings available or extra days in the Kindergarten program?
A. Due to the large demand for child care we are unable to provide half days however you may drop off or pick up your child at any time during our opening hours. Casual bookings will be available to existing families only enrolled in our service. All Kindergarten children must attend for a minimum of 15 hours over 2 days and can request additional days if needed and will be charged at the full child care day rate (additional days are subject to availability).
Q. Does my child pay for Kindergarten during the school holidays?
A. There are several fee options for Kindergarten enrolments that may or may not include days during the school holidays. Refer to our 2017 – 2018 Fee Schedule & 2017 – 2018 Fee Policy located on our Enrolment page of this website for more information. Kindergarten Option 1 includes school holidays and is designed to suit families who need child care during school holidays.
Q. Do I still need to register with the Family Assistance Office if I only want to claim my child care benefit and/or rebate at the end of the financial year rather than weekly.
A. From 2nd July 2018 there are major changes to the current Child Care Benefit system – The new one payment Child Care Subsidy system will be introduced. Any eligible Child Care Subsidy payments will be paid directly to the Child Care Provider. Families must contact Centrelink to determine their eligibility for any Child Care Subsidy payments including whether they can delay payments until the end of the financial year.
Q. Are you able to provide a fee estimate so I know how much child care benefit and/or rebate I can receive off my weekly fee before I accept a placement?
A. Yes, we understand it is important for families to obtain an estimate of their weekly child care costs before committing to a placement. Please contact our service with your child care benefit percentage from Centrelink and we can prepare a fee estimate for you. Please note we have no control over the amount of Child Care Benefit and/or Child Care Rebate you may be entitled to as this is an arrangement between families & Centrelink based on family circumstances. From the 2nd July 2018 families must register for the new Child Care Subsidy directly through the Government’s MyGov app. CCS payments will not be forwarded to Services if families have not registered, provided requested evidence to Centrelink and confirmed their child care booking using the MyGov app. For more information click on the following link https://www.education.gov.au/ChildCarePackage
Q. Will my child be in the same room as his/her younger or older sibling?
A. Children will be grouped according to age ranges 0-3 years, 3-4 years and our Kindergarten room 4+ years however there will be opportunities for children to come together during the day for meals or activities. Please let the educators know if you would like your children to spend time together during the day.